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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

IC² Institute Student Team Competition: Teams apply by September 18

An opportunity for diverse student teams to address a community economic development issue. The George Kozmetsky Memorial Student Challenge, hosted by the IC² Institute, allows teams of 4-5 UT Austin students to compete for prizes and recognition. The challenge relates to the topic of vitalizing small communities.
This fall the top ten student teams will present on Saturday, November 7, demonstrating the ability to apply research, creativity, and strategic thinking to a modern problem.

$15,000 in cash prizes will be awarded.

We seek to utilize the creativity and brain-power of our incredibly diverse and talented student population. While providing an opportunity for UT Austin students to stretch their minds to address a situation not previously encountered in their studies, we will also benefit from fresh perspectives, thoughtful questioning of assumptions, and the hard work of dedicated student teams.

For more information, including the IC² timeline, click here.

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