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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

IRG Event: Is a Two-State Solution Still Possible in Israel/Palestine? - October 14

Is a Two-State Solution Still Possible in Israel/Palestine? With Ian Lustick (University of Pennsylvania)
Event co-hosted by Schusterman Center for Jewish Studies & IRG

Wed. 10/14, 12-1pm
Pre-registration link:

Given the looming possibility of Israeli annexation of parts of the West Bank, is a two-state solution to the Israel/Palestien conflict possible? This conversation will begin with the starting point of Prof. Lustick’s 2019 book ‌Paradigm Lost: From Two-State Solution to One-State Reality, about which he will give a brief presentation, leading into a broader discussion and audience Q&A about the origins of the two-state solution, whether it remains viable, and what this history tells us about the possibilities of the future.

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